Dr. Erica A. Spence, Speaker, Author and Leader has established a proven record in Christian ministry, as well as professional and management experience, ranging from a very successful nursing career specializing in Intensive Care and Emergency Room Nursing, to positions in business and program development. Twenty years of Honorable service in the United States Navy and various other professional experiences culminated in the establishment of a 501c3 Faith Based organization Recon To Restoration whose mission was to partner with organizations and help establish a support system based on Truth to assist in the Healing and Restoration of Military Veterans/Families suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Injury. After her initial outreach to our Veterans, she has now established ES&FAM LLC. Brochure is below. Dr. spence is an innovative instructor with a devotion to education and teaching, and a heart to help hurting people be healed. Considering our recent crisis with COVID-19 Dr. Spence understands the urgency of delivering this message of hope and healing to ALL our Frontline HEROS.

Dr. Spence founder and CEO of ES & FAM Enterprise LLC - Please download Brochure for more information


of our Ministry

Our overarching goal is to ensure holistic response to the wide-ranging needs of veterans and their families, with a focus on those who have been affected by PTSD or TBI. 

Our efforts will deliver innovative programming to veterans and active service members who are being concurrently served by partners in various community locations. By partnering with other veteran-serving agencies, we gain immediate access to veterans in need of our services and have access to facilities to deliver our proposed services.